Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Jennifer Hudson

Since then, in Bihar and an air show, said Jennifer Hudson spotted shopping for a size 0, the blogs buzzing. He asked many, if J - Hood was really a size zero, while others asked if gets too small.

We all know the Hudson was a "good feeling" sharing her Weight Watchers weight loss with the help of a new body with the world. After a very comfortable and confident in her size and wealth for years, and decided to J - Hood to make a change and drop some weight. Many of her fans, no doubt feeling abandoned by the sister that they can relate to - weren't feeling the change. He wondered for months and the media black if J - Hood dropped weight only to contain or transit, and many of her fans and said it was a "very slim." But none of the negative comments and seems to be the stage of Hudson, who said that the loss of weight gain like 10 years of youth back.

But I wonder ... Why do we seem to care about the size of Jennifer Hudson? As long as she is happy and healthy, and love with the same ... I'm all that.

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